“Map of the Internet 1.0” , and beautiful centralities!
This “amateur” map is more beautiful than many “real” and “professional” ones: it gives a possible visio mundi if Internet were ever to be sovereign powers on physical space.
The most eminent names on the map are the most eminent in the “real” world of Internet: Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, etc. But the most astonishing part is the physical centrality of the map: in its very heart and at the very centre the “state” is called “the Capitol”. The Internet centre has the same name as the United States’ (and thus the world most eminent centrality’s). The “discreet” centre of Internet Planet is not different from the political centre of our Planet…
Nor the periphery! In the Southern Land we can read “HIC SUNT VERMES” (Here be Worms), in reference to the maedieval “HIC SVNT DRACONES” (Here be Dragons), used to denote all terrae incognitae on the map; also in reference to Internet worms: all non-conventional and non-legal Internet creatures.
This map is amazing, and the author is a genius! He could show, in a fictional map, how Internet and geography share (almost) the same centre and similar peripheries.
For further information and to see the original map please visit Map of the Internet 1.0, URL: http://jaysimons.deviantart.com/art/Map-of-the-Internet-1-0-427143215
You can also see the very interesting review of Paul Szoldra on Business Insider, URL: http://www.businessinsider.com/internet-map-2014-2
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Jack Keilo ( Jacques Keilo ) (February 5, 2014). “Map of the Internet 1.0” , and beautiful centralities! Centrici. Retrieved October 3, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/mjep